International Day for Older Persons

1 October is the International Day for Older Persons.

International Day for Older Persons (IDOP) is a time to celebrate the value of older people and a chance to acknowledge their contributions to our communities; in the work place, as volunteers, as caregivers and as whole people, with dreams, aspirations, wisdom and experience.

Every year we organise a significant event to celebrate this very important day, which was established by the United Nations.

This year we are having an afternoon tea full of entertainment, fine food and good company at Annesbrook Church on Tuesday 3 October from 2pm to 3.30pm. We would love to see as many of you are possible. If you would like to attend our IDOP celebration, please contact Marnie, our AgeConnect Coordinator on 5447624 ext 5 or


We have many interesting and fun events and regular group activities, throughout the year to keep older people feel safe and connected.

All our activities are about having fun, being social and healthy, and learning something new. Come and join us.