Navigating Other Support Services
There are many other support and service options in the community, see below for a quick reference guide to those available.
In-home care and services.
Age Concern Nelson Tasman fully supports New Zealand government policy to help older people remain living in their own communities. This page will help you access publicly funded home care and other services such as transport, meals, equipment and financial help.

Financial support
Financial support
The best place to find out about your entitlements is the Services for Seniors book produced by the Ministry of Social Development.
It gives a full list of all payments, pensions and supplements available for people aged 65+, including NZ Super, Disability Allowance, Accommodation Supplement, Rates Rebates and more.

In-home care
How to organise home care
A Needs Assessment (NASC) is required to establish eligibility for subsidised services. You must hold a Community Service Card for help with routine housework. Assistance with personal care such as showering and dressing does not require you to hold a Community Services Card.
An authorised NASC needs assessor will visit and discuss with you how much help you need at home. If you share accommodation, assistance from those you live with is also taken into consideration. An assessment can be carried out in a public hospital by a hospital-based assessor or in the community by NASC.
❯ Nelson Tasman NASC is contactable on 0800 244 300.
Private home care providers
Most home care agencies offer housework and personal care, some also offer nursing and short-term relief care. For costs please contact the agencies in Nelson Tasman to establish local rates. They are:
Nurse Maude
4 Kidson Place, Stoke, Nelson 7011 (view map)
Tel: 03 375 4200 | 0800 687 739
Email: nelson.marlborough@nursemaude.org.nz
Access Community Health Nelson
Robinson Complex, 669 Main Road, Stoke (view map)
Tel: 0800 284 663
Healthcare NZ
Suite 3, Level 1/355 Lower Queen Street, Richmond (view map)
Tel: 03 548 2009

Free off-peak public transport
You can use your SuperGold Card to travel free on off-peak public transport services in Nelson and Tasman. Off-peak hours are between 9am to 3pm and from 6:30pm to the end of service on weekdays, and any time on weekends and public holidays.
Driving assessment
Drivers are required to renew their licence first at the age of 75 and then at 80. From 80 it’s every two years. A medical certificate is required at the time of renewal and if recommended by a doctor, there is also a 30-minute On-road Safety Test.
Discount taxi vouchers
The Total Mobility Scheme reduces the cost of taxi travel for people no longer able to drive. In Nelson Tasman, Age Concern can carry out assessments for anyone over 65 for this scheme. Those eligible hold an identity card.
❯ Contact us on 03 544 7624 for more information.
Parking permits for disabled
Mobility parking permits enable people with disabilities to park in reserved spaces close to their destination, or park longer than the stated time in some standard car parks and metered spaces.
❯ The scheme is run by CCS Disability Action, 65 Trafalgar Street, Nelson. You can contact them for more information by phone on 03 548 4479 or 0800 227 2255. Email: nelson.admin@ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz
St John Ambulance supporter scheme
This annual subscription covers emergency ambulance call-out charges anywhere in New Zealand. It does not cover transport on discharge from hospital, transfer from one hospital to another, or transport to clinic appointments.
❯ Find out more at stjohn.org.nz, email info@stjohn.org.nz or call 0800 STJOHN (0800 785646)
Shuttle services
The St John Health Shuttle is a free community service that transports people to essential medical and health-related appointments, and then brings them home again. There’s no charge for shuttle transport, however a donation is appreciated to cover costs. To book a journey, call toll free on 0800 333 781.
The Motueka Regional Ambulance Community Trust serves this region. Phone (03) 528 7645 or 0800 111 025.
Golden Bay
There is no shuttle service in Golden Bay and the district is not covered by a public bus service. The ‘Wrinklies Express’ is a member-only service providing transport to medical appointments for people over 50, and disabled persons. Users pay an annual subscription and are asked to make a donation for each trip.

Staying safe
Falls prevention
You can take some simple steps to improve your strength and balance and prevent falls. If you go to the Live Stronger for Longer website you’ll find a list of all the classes available in Nelson Tasman. Alternatively you can call the Health Promotion team at Nelson Bays Primary Health on 03 539 1170.
Make your home safer
Firstport provides information, advice, support and equipment available to help with everyday life. There are also links to disability support services that can provide specialist knowledge, advice and resources.
Personal medical alarms
A wide range of personal alarms are available. They can be professionally monitored or be linked to family members. They can be worn or located in the house and can provide other useful functions such as medication reminders. There are many providers of these alarms.
❯ Medical alarms » Work and Income is a list of all MSD-approved alarm companies, and they may be able to assist financially with the cost of installing one.
Tracking systems
Personal tracking systems are available for people with dementia who wander. The tracking watch or pendant emits a pulse using a specific frequency which can be detected by Police and or Search and Rescue. The tracking system may not be appropriate for all people with dementia.
❯ Contact Alzheimers Nelson for more information, on 03 546 7702.

Meal delivery
Meals on wheels
This is for clients over 65 years of age who are unable to prepare a hot meal because of a physical or mental illness or disability. The meals consist of a hot meal and dessert and are delivered to your home Monday to Friday by volunteers. In Nelson this is delivered via the DHB.
❯ Contact them on 0800 720 000, or email: mealsonwheels@compass-group.co.nz.
Home delivered frozen meals
There are a number of companies that provide home delivered chilled or frozen meals. We recommend you do a web search for 'frozen meals delivered' for more information, or ask a family member or friend to look into it for you. Many restaurants and takeaways will deliver to your home.
❯ Check the Yellow pages under 'takeaway foods' or 'restaurants' for more home delivery options.

Keeping warm and dry
Depending on your situation there is support available to ensure that the home you are living in is warm and dry.
If you are renting, there are government standards that landlords are legally required to meet. This includes criteria around heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture and drainage, and draught stopping.
❯ More information about this is on the Tenancy Services website at: Healthy homes » Tenancy Services.
Heating and insulation
If you are living in your own home and meet certain eligibility criteria you may be able to get some financial support towards the cost of home insulation through the Warmer Kiwi Homes programme. This Government-sponsored programme offers grants towards the cost of home insulation or heating installation. The available grants increased from May 14 2020 and they now cover 90% of the cost.
In Nelson Tasman, funding for ceiling and underfloor insulation is accessed through Warmer Healthy Homes Nelson Marlborough.
Eligibility criteria:
you live in your own home
your home was built before 2008
you have a current Community Services Card (CSC) or a Gold Card (endorsed CSC)
you live in a designated grant area.
❯ People who fit the above criteria can ask for a free no-obligation quote from Absolute Energy. Phone 0800 423 454.
Heating appliances grant
Eligibility criteria:
you live in your own home
your home was built before 2008
you have a current Community Services Card (CSC) or a Gold Card (endorsed CSC)
you live in a designated grant area.
you do not have an existing fixed heater in the main living area, eg: a heat pump, wood or pellet burner, flued gas heater or central heating system
you already have ceiling and underfloor insulation installed to EECA standards.
❯ Grants are available for up to $3000 including GST.
❯ For more information on heating or to apply for a heating grant, visit EECA website or phone 0800 749 782.
Public housing
If you can't afford a private rental, you may be able to live in a public house where the Government pays part of the rent. These are houses that are owned by Kāinga Ora (which used to be Housing New Zealand) and other Community Housing Providers, and rented out to eligible tenants.
You need to meet certain criteria to qualify for public housing and you need to apply through Work and Income. If you apply, you may have to wait for a while until a suitable property becomes available. If you get NZ Super or a Veteran's Pension, call Senior Services on 0800 552 002.
Public housing providers in Nelson Tasman are:
Kāinga Ora (formerly Housing New Zealand) manage social housing in Nelson City. Their office is at Level 1, 105 Trafalgar Street, Nelson, or call 0800 801 601.
Nelson Tasman Housing Trust builds affordable healthy homes across the region. They can be contacted on 03 546 9568 or 0800 266 325.
Tasman District Council owns and manages rental properties for older residents, known locally as the ‘pensioner cottages’. You will need to contact them to go on the waiting list. Call them on 03 543 8400 or visit their website for more information.
Assisted living accommodation
This type of accommodation provides some services to support you to live independently in the community. An example is a shared housing situation with meals provided, such as Abbeyfield. In Nelson Tasman there are four Abbeyfield homes: in Tahunanui, Stoke, Motueka and Golden Bay. Each one is managed by its own committee, and you need to contact them to discuss availability and viewing.
❯ Full information is here: Find a house - Abbeyfield New Zealand.
Residential care in rest homes
If you decide on short-term respite care in a rest home, you will find it difficult to book in advance. If you wait until closer to the time, there are usually a number of homes with vacancies you can choose from.
It’s worth noting that there is now a large gap between the Carer Support rate you will receive and the actual cost of residential care – the shortfall can be over $500 per week.