Census 2023: Age Concern can help

The 2023 Census is coming up and there are options for how you can fill in your census forms. You have the choice of filling in paper forms or filling in your forms online. If people do not have access to a computer or need some support filling in the form online, then they can go to an ‘Assisted Completion Location’ (ACL) and get help. The good news is that Age Concern Nelson Tasman is an ACL so you can visit either our Nelson or Richmond offices and get some help filling in your census forms.

On 13 February we officially open as an ACL and the delivery of census packs and letters to households begins. Each pack will contain: a letter with an access code which lets you do the census online or a letter with an access code and forms to do the census on paper if you prefer. If you don’t get paper forms but would like them, you can order them for free. Conversely if you get paper forms but want to do the census online you can request an internet access code. Whilst options are available, it is preferred that people, where possible, do their census form online as this is faster for you and the information goes direct to Stats NZ. This is where Age Concern can help with providing access to a computer and people to help you navigate filling in the form.

Census day is 7 March but you can fill in your form at any date from 13 February until 7 April when Age Concern Nelson Tasman closes as an ACL.

If you would like to complete your census forms at Age Concern please bring your internet access code with you or your paper forms if you are using these. We can help during our usual office hours which are Monday to Friday 8.30-4.30pm in Richmond and Tuesday-Thursday 9am-2pm in Nelson.


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