Elder Abuse Awareness Week 15-22 June

Older people are valuable members of our society and should be treated with dignity and respect. Yet last year, Age Concerns across New Zealand worked with more than 2750 older New Zealanders about elder abuse. It’s our collective responsibility as a community to ensure that older people are included and safe. We are all obliged to: Break the Silence!

 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and Awareness Week spurs voices across the world, and in this country, to speak up about the harmful effects of abuse and neglect on older people. We encourage anyone to contact Age Concern with a question, query, concern, hunch, or inkling about an older person/kaumātua being harmed. Break the silence!

 Of the 2768 cases dealt with by Age Concerns last year, 83 percent of the alleged abusers were relatives and 55 percent were adult children or grandchildren. Around two out of five Age Concern cases involve financial abuse. Almost always, elder abuse impacts the psychological, social, cultural, or spiritual health of older people. Being threatened, manipulated, groomed, coerced, or forced, is the horrific experience of abused older people. Even when the abuse stops, the devastation can affect their physical health, financial independence, and emotional wellbeing. 

 Here at Age Concern Nelson Tasman we are committed to raise awareness to prevent elder abuse and neglect. We have two experienced and knowledgeable advisors who provide professional and empathic support to people who have experienced elder abuse, such as financial, psychological or physical abuse. A key focus is advice on how to manage the current situation and keep safe in the future. Our elder abuse advisers can also provide training around elder abuse to health professionals and support services. If you are concerned about elder abuse please contact the Office on 5447 624 ext 2 or 8.


National Volunteer Week 18-24 June


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