Reframing Retirement Talk

“Life is what you make it, has been, always will be” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Age Concern Nelson Tasman is incredibly excited and honoured to be bringing Dr Angela Robinson to Nelson for a public talk on Reframing Retirement.

Dr Angela Robertson is an author, inspirational speaker, and facilitator with more than 40 years’ experience in adult and community development. She inspires and supports individuals of all ages to maximise their potential to enhance the quality of their lives, work, and relationships. In her work with individuals, groups, and communities she encourages people to broaden their perspective on ageing, continually expand their horizons, take advantage of the opportunities around them, and channel their energy into activities that matter.

Regardless of your age and stage, retirement can be one of the most exciting and rewarding stages of your life. Come along and find out how you can take control of your destiny, expand your horizons, and create your future. Life is a continuous adventure, and regardless of life’s challenges, it’s over to us to seize the opportunities that are available to us and make the most of it.

This talk is being held on 12 July at the Suburb Football Clubrooms, 142 Saxton Road, Stoke from 10.30am to 12 noon. For more information or to register please contact Marnie on 5447624 ext 5.


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